Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Google Realtime

Google Realtime is used to search for specific things' online activity. Say you wanted to see how much online activity is going on about ipod, news, tweets about them, facebook statuses, etc. Just type in "ipod" to the search bar and there you have it! The latest news, facebook statuses, and tweets about ipods! It is pretty cool because if someone wants to look to see if there is any news about an oil spill or anything like that, just go to Google Realtime and you can see the most recent news about it! Realtime tracks information up to the second so if you just leave it open, you can be informed up to the second on anything you want to know about. You can also define searches. If you only want posts from people who are near your location, just click "Nearby" and there you go! Do you want posts from people only in Denver, CO? Then click "custom location", type in Denver, CO, and viola!, only posts from Denver come up. Advanced search works just like it does in Google Search. You can search within certain domains, file types, languages, date when they were created, keywords, etc. This is a very helpful tool to help you define searches and making it much easier.

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